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“Lady Like – A Retro Modern Burlesque Show” at Virgin Hotels Las Vegas celebrating its first anniversary at the resort inside the venue 24 Oxford on Oct. 24. Debuting in October 2023, “Lady Like” mixes the glitz and glamour of the 1950s and 1960s with-modern day humor and dance routines, giving audiences a show like no other in Las Vegas.

Created by burlesque experts Jaimee Gallego and Summer Soltis, “Lady Like” boasts a women-led writing team and cast, with each show being hosted by the iconic headmistress and Las Vegas showgirl Maren Wade.

“Lady Like” provides a unique insight into how the world used to be – and how the ideals of the past have grown and changed through witty humor, brilliant choreography and a few surprises along the way.

“Lady Like” on grand opening night last year was a super-fun show featuring a talented cast and great songs, choreography and costumes in the intimate 24 Oxford that also is home to “Frank Marino’s Divas” at 4 p.m. Sundays.

Wade was Vegas Prime Magazine’s Celebrity Takeover guest columnist in the Oct. 6, 2024, issue and said:

“Las Vegas is the land of opportunity. I have been blessed to do so many things here that I am completely unqualified to do. I got to sing in dozens of Las Vegas shows, including the one I’m in right now, ‘Lady Like – A Retro Modern Burlesque Show’ at Virgin Hotels Las Vegas.

“I got to perform on NBC’s “America’s Got Talent.” I guest-hosted morning TV shows. Did I mention I wrote my own column? Plus, I’m cited as an authoritative source in Wikipedia, so I’m legit.”

“Lady Like” runs Thursdays through Saturdays starting at 9 p.m.

More: VirginHotelsLV.com

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