a man and a woman sitting and toasting champagne glasses with the sunsetting in the background
 In Dining, Entertainment, News

The Linq headliner magician Farrell Dillon repeated as pretzel-eating champion on April 26 as Hofbräuhaus Las Vegas celebrated National Pretzel Day with its fifth-annual celebrity competition. Dillon took home $1,000 for Olive Crest after finishing a jumbo pretzel in 3 minutes and 1 second.

Dillon’s competitors were BMX athlete and TV personality Ricardo Laguna, Gigi Metayer (“Fantasy”), Robert Kachelriess (City Cast Las Vegas), TV personality J.J. Snyder, Adam Dunson (“The Australian Bee Gees”), Jason Feinberg (Fox 5 Las Ve- gas), John Langeler (KLAS Channel 8), J.P. Dhillon (@foodiedhillon), Mike Davis (Fox 5 Las Vegas), Philip Tzeng (@LasVegasFill), Shawn Tempesta (KVGS 102.7 FM), Emily Romero (@eatmelasvegas) and Stephanie Sidela (Mix 94.1 FM).

Post-dinner, two-time champion Dillon tapped the season’s first keg of Maibock.

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