When an arrow comes flying over me into the apple sitting on top of my head during “WOW: The Vegas Spectacular” at The Rio, many might think, “She better not miss!” Or my personal favorite: “She’s not getting a second chance if that goes wrong!” They might be right, but …
Since I started shooting arrows at myself (and my dear husband, as well) nearly 40 years ago, the correct state of mind, heart and spirit is of upmost importance. I start by always thanking God for each show and all that God does for me and my family.
Additionally, since I am as human as all of you reading this, I am also in need of heavy doses of nerves of steel to face that arrow bolting over my head each show. And this is the point, no pun intended, I want to share with you – that I am Silvia Silvia.
There is a good reason I am called Silvia Silvia since I firmly believe in perseverance and second chances. We human beings are constantly striving to be better at this or that, and failing is an important part of achieving one’s goal. And of course not giving up when you fail, as perseverance is key.
My stage name reminds me, as I hope it can remind my friends and fans, that we all need second chances for learning. We need to often repeat our own names to ourselves. We can say, “Michael Michael, you will be able to do it” and persevere in the good things you are trying to do.
Maybe not in the first try, but you will get it if you learn to persevere and pick yourself up after every error. Rome was not built in a day, nor is your life goal reaching its target on the first tries, no matter how sharp the head of your arrow is.
In these modern times of fast results and wavering fashions, keep true to yourself and often repeat that beautiful name you have, so you, too, can remember – as I do daily – that we can constantly keep trying to be better.
And not only in our career, but also most importantly in our personal lives. If each day we try to be twice as better as yesterday, what will stop us to multiply those wonderful results in the future. And as a grateful and happy grandmother of seven, I know a thing – or two – about multiple blessings.
More: “WOW: The Vegas Spectacular” at The Rio